Alex Olson, 19岁

Major: Art 重点是 艺术教育


Coming into Carroll I was on the fence about doing either art education or 平面设计. 我一直想成为一名教师, 但就像许多渴望教书的人一样, 我被告知另一条路会“更好”.” Going against the advice of naysayers, I enrolled as an art education major. 我想把我对艺术的热爱和与学生的合作结合起来. Art had always been a productive and creative outlet for me to get out and understand my feelings, 这是我想带给其他选择学习艺术的人的东西. I wanted to learn how to create an environment where students could explore and find self-confidence through creativity.


我的目标是成为一名高中陶艺老师. 在足球波胆平台, 我爱上了陶瓷,它成了我关注的焦点, so I would like to have a ceramics or sculpture class of my own to teach.

How has what you’ve learned in your courses so far prepared you for your future?  

关于卡罗餐厅,我最强调的一件事 教育部门 is how they have such a great understanding of the importance of getting into classrooms as soon as possible. The very first education class gives opportunities to see different types of schools to broaden your understanding of what schools can be like. Jumping into your field experiences right away truly gives you a feeling of what it is like to be in a classroom as a teacher. 沃克夏学区给了我最宝贵的经历. Through Carroll I started as a tutor for the AVID program at Waukesha South High school. 四年来,我每个学期都做家教, 花时间在三所高中和一所初中. 我学到了很多 from that experience and I couldn't be more grateful for that opportunity.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member and what impact has that had on your education?

Throughout all of my classes I found it easy to develop relationships with faculty and staff around campus. Even in classes outside of my major I was able to make such a connection with professors that years later they still say hello when we see each other around campus. My closest relationships, however, were definitely with the art and education faculty. 他们都对了解学生很感兴趣. I always felt like I could reach out for help, clarification, or just a good conversation. My advisor, Amy Cropper她一直是我任何事情都可以求助的人. Even now as I am student teaching and I don’t see her often I know I can always send an email and she will do everything in her power to lend a hand. I always know I have a great group of people in my corner cheering on my successes and helping me through challenges.

What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your education at Carroll?

The senior art exhibition that art majors are required to do pushed me so much as an artist, 让我写出最高质量的作品. 我的观念比以往任何时候都更加成熟. 我学到了很多 about myself during that process and what I could accomplish. It was a great way to bring my academic journey at Carroll to a close.


通过卡罗,我找到了很多参与的机会. The one that was very important to me coming into college was that I could be involved in a choir. I sang all through school and I didn’t want to stop once I got to college. 卡罗的独特之处在于它允许 非音乐专业的学生 参与他们的 ensembles 获得课程学分, and all 4 years I participated in concert choir as well as two years in the chamber choir as well. It was an amazing opportunity to meet so many people outside of my major. 我的一些最美好的回忆来自于成为这些团体的一员. Carroll also offers many different organizations to become a part of. My freshman year I attended the Org Fair to learn about the different student organizations. 最后我加入了足球波胆平台委员会, 学习如何计划和运行事件, 参与志愿者项目, 让卡罗尔的学生参与足球波胆平台. My senior year I even ended up on the executive board as the social media chair which gave me the opportunity to design advertisements, 在Instagram上发帖子, 安排Facebook活动,让尽可能多的学生参与进来. 这是一个很好的学习和领导机会.

If you were recommending your major to a prospective student, what would you tell them?

我会告诉他们放手去做! My biggest piece of advice that helped me the most is to take any opportunity to be in a classroom. The more exposure and practice you have interacting with kids and content the easier it will be later when you are running your own classes. 我还建议你尽可能多地探索媒体. 最好的时间是在大学. 有广泛的媒体曝光是很重要的, especially for art education since you will be certified to teach any art subject K-12. But the most important piece of advice is to have fun and enjoy yourself. 这应该是一种积极而有趣的体验.


经济资助是足球波胆平台吸引我的主要原因之一. 我很惊讶,因为他们的方式 经济援助和奖学金 都被安排在卡罗吗, it was more affordable for me to come here than it would have been for me to attend a UW school. I have been incredibly lucky to have the work study option in my financial aid package. I worked as a Resident Assistant for two years, overseeing a floor in 前沿大厅. 我学到了很多. I never would have expected that my financial aid package would make me a strong leader and more creative person. 因为工作经验的机会, 我觉得自己准备得更充分了,可以进入职场了. One of my favorite things about the scholarship programs is that often times you get to meet either the person or a member of the family that started the scholarship! I have met two or three of the donors who helped make my education possible. It is so rewarding to be able to give thanks to the actual person and show them the good work their generosity does.


我有三个名额 campus 我经常在那里工作. 如果是小组作业, my absolute favorite spot is in Humphrey on the second floor overlooking the gallery. There is a large window overlooking the parking lot onto the football field. If I needed to buckle down and crank out a paper, the cubicles in the library 是我的最爱. It is absolutely silent, and you are in a small space with minimal distractions. But my favorite part about that spot is that each cubical has a window overlooking the quad. For reading, 我选修了两门文学课程, 当我要读很多书的时候,我最喜欢的地方是 幸福画廊 in Main Hall. 这里总是很安静, 那里有漂亮的长凳, 一个学期有很多伟大的艺术作品会改变很多次. 这是一个经常检查的好地方.


