Acting Out - Students Find Getting into Character is Good Therapy

作者: 马科姆

发表日期: 1/11/2024

类别: 行为健康心理学 F1RST杂志 School of Education and Human Services 大学新闻

A breakup with her boyfriend of four years rocked 菲比 Lansbury. 一种未确诊的恐慌症和对自己健康的普遍焦虑使安娜·特伦顿瘫痪了. 伊莎贝拉·拉福莱特在一段感情突然结束后陷入了非常黑暗的情境性抑郁.
Concerns about their mental health and emotional well-being led each to seek out help. As the fall semester unfolded last year, 每个人都开始在线课程, meeting with graduate students in Carroll’s 行为健康心理学 (BHP) program. Nothing remarkable there, except that 菲比, Anna and Isabella weren’t real people.

这三个都是角色, 这是一个独特的项目的一部分,该项目将足球波胆平台的学生培养成标准化的病人——那些“表现”出各种健康问题的人,以帮助培训医疗保健专业的学生. 标准化或模拟病人的使用始于20世纪下半叶,目的是提供一致和安全的方法来训练医疗保健专业的学生与医生沟通, 评估和诊断病人. 它们现在被常规用于帮助培训和评估医学生和医疗保健提供者, even in Carroll’s health science programs, which sourced them from other institutions and organizations.

菲比, Anna and Isabella were characters portrayed by Una Fortier, a junior nursing major at Carroll who is also seeking a minor in theater. 在一堂戏剧课上,她第一次听说了标准化的病人机会, a unique partnership that utilizes Carroll’s liberal arts strengths.
“这是行为健康心理学项目和戏剧系之间的新合作,博士解释道。. 心理学临床副教授、必和必拓项目主任杰西卡·拉纳说.

几年前就开始讨论如何训练卡罗尔自己的学生成为标准化病人, 并在2019年夏天进行了一项小型试验,然后在大流行期间被搁置. 在这项努力下,两名戏剧专业的学生接受了培训,这样他们就可以接受詹姆斯·布兰德斯教授在医师助理(PA)研究研究生课程上的学生的病人评估.

劳拉灰色, an adjunct lecturer in Carroll’s theatre program and an experienced professional actor, 和那两个学生一起工作. They began with two case studies, 每个都描述了一个病人, detailing medically valuable information such as lifestyles, 过去的事件和疾病. “We approached it as a character study,格雷解释道, a task typically performed by actors and writers, 是谁建立了角色的背景,这样他们就能更好地扮演这个角色.

After some improvisation and further coaching by Gray, the students participated in simulated diagnostic sessions with the PA students. 布兰迪斯和其他教师审阅了课程记录,并对这位PA学生的信息收集和诊断技能提供了反馈. The recordings also allowed Gray to provide further mentoring to the theatre students.

这些会议很有成效, 但由于疫情的动荡,该项目暂停了,直到去年,学生们才开始学习卡罗尔的行为健康心理学新研究生课程. 该项目的一年级学生要参加一门名为“预实习:高级面试”的课程. 这门长达一学期的课程通过积极的角色扮演课程教授面试和咨询的实用技能.

“我们真的需要找到一些人,让我们的学生练习他们的咨询技巧,”拉纳说. “这通常是从把我们的心理学学生和他们的同龄人配对开始的,他们必须假装是病人.” Students take turns role-playing the two sides of the counselor/client relationship, 但事实上,每个班级的学生通常都彼此熟悉,这使得“假装”变得更加困难, 她补充说. “You just don’t have that authentic dynamic in the relationship. It minimizes the amount of data that the counselor has to work with.”

The first problem was finding a pool of students. 决定将标准化的病人培训和会议工作作为卡罗尔的勤工俭学计划的一部分, 因此,学生花在训练和表演上的时间将成为他们校园就业的一部分. Next, they sought out interested students.
Theatrical training was step one, as students learned some basic acting preparation techniques, developing the ability to express another character with their own voice. They followed that up by working on character development, 让即将成为病人的人有机会更全面地了解他们的性格.

“这真的是应用戏剧,格雷说。, “an opportunity to work on critical skills as a performer.”
Then the standardized patients were ready to deploy, attending virtual online counseling sessions with the BHP students.
奥利弗·伊格纳齐托23年的作品, who himself plans on attending graduate school to become a counselor, 描绘一个标准化的病人是一个很好的机会,可以获得更广泛的职业理解,并观察咨询师/客户关系的双方.
“I know that I was able to be very helpful for some of the grad students,” he said. 这也让他得以一窥足球波胆平台为研究生提供的创新体验. “It was very nice and reassuring to see how prepared the students were.”

It’s the sort of career preparation for which Jolie Ausloos, a behavioral health psychology graduate student, 是感激. “(Prior to) standardized patients, we were interviewing one another in class,”她说。. “We all did a kind of practice group therapy session in our class, 但是我们认识彼此已经两年了——我们已经建立了一种融洽的关系,这使得我们很容易彼此敞开心扉. 但是与标准化的病人一起工作确实迫使我们使用我们正在学习的技能, in building that rapport with a patient and helping them see connections.“标准化的病人为学生提供了更真实的体验——更接近他们开始职业生涯时将要遇到的情况.

Sometimes, that experience felt very real, according to graduate student Brittany Drag. 她, 太, 在秋季的实习前课程和春季的模拟入学和诊断课程中,她与标准化的病人一起工作. “我们每个人都有两个病人,每个人都有两个不同的背景故事,”她回忆说. “The first student I worked with was amazing! 如果我们不知道他们是标准化的病人,我们就无法判断. 非常有说服力.” So much so, she said, that it was nerve-racking at times.

“这是一个挑战, but it’s very beneficial in that you are able to effectively do telehealth, which is very prevalent in the real world today.”
The use of standardized patients continues in the graduate program’s second year, in courses on clinical psychological assessment and group psychotherapy. 在后一种情况下,两名心理学专业的学生与五名标准化的病人进行小组讨论.

The group psychotherapy experience was particularly intimidating, Ausloos recalled. “你知道, it’s one thing to be one-on-one with a standardized patient online, but then to have five come into a room and sit there, and you're expected to lead the group – it was intimidating and scary." And that helped make it an amazing and beneficial experience, she said. “It mimics what we are going to experience, but it’s happening in a way that we can practice and take risks and learn from.“小组会议, 比如一对一的会面, 记录下来,以便心理学学生和标准化患者都能得到教授的反馈.

她说:“这无疑减轻了我在实习期间的焦虑。. “现在我更清楚地意识到,和一个我从未见过的人一起参加一个疗程会是什么感觉.”

这是一种独特而创新的产品,使卡罗尔的项目与众不同,奥斯鲁斯补充道. 他说:“我在日常工作中与两位医疗服务提供者讨论过标准化的病人项目, and they're blown away by the program that Carroll has created.”

Lahner considers the program a success and would love to see it expand. “我喜欢这种方法的有效性, and I don't know of any other counselor training program that does this,”她说。. “It’s a differentiator for Carroll.”

And it might not be solely the graduate psychology students that benefit. Beyond the financial impact of the work-study employment, 福捷说,她发现作为一名标准化病人的经历很有教育意义. “我认为这个项目正在帮助很多人看到治疗和咨询的好处. Because when you role-play as this character, you go on this journey with them. 一开始, it is silly because you are this fake person with this fake problem, and they are only pretending to help me.” But then came the breakthroughs for her character, breakthroughs she said also taught her things about herself and other people.

“There were a lot of things that I learned about coping with my emotions, or procrastination and taking time for myself, 诸如此类的东西. 我从与必和必拓学生的经历中受益良多,因为他们有很多很好的反馈.”